Mark your calendars – Walk for WAGEC is back (and better than ever)! 

When: Sunday 4th May  

Where: Centennial Park, Sydney  

What: Walk 5km or run 10km around Centennial Park, Sydney, to support women and children impacted by violence.  

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we're walking to end violence

Domestic violence is a national crisis that kills one woman every four days. Last year, 101 women were recorded to have lost their lives. 

Every night, WAGEC supports 200 women and children impacted by violence. As the national crisis persists, services like WAGEC simply do not have enough beds for the women who need them. 

You can help by walking with us to raise $500,000 that will ensure women and children in your community get access to the support they need.  

Looking to VOLUNTEER?

Looking for more ways to support women and children impacted by violence?
Join our passionate team of volunteers who make Walk for WAGEC possible.

If you or someone you know needs support in Australia call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) or go to wagec.org.au