walk for wagec
4th may, 2025 | cENTENNIAL PARK, SYDNEY
Walk to call for an end to violence against women and children.

Total Raised

Signing up is a walk in the park!

To register, decide whether you’ll walk solo, with a team, or with your workplace and then fill out your contact information. At the checkout, pay your $25 registration fee and voila, you’re ready to walk!

Raise money
Set up your fundraising page let everyone know your walking for a good cause! Ask your community to donate to your fundraising page. They can donate knowing every dollar raised supports our call to end violence.

Violence against women and children is a national crisis. But together, we can change it.
On average in Australia, a woman is killed every 4 days.
Every fortnight, a child dies as a result of domestic and family violence.
It’s devastating. It’s unacceptable. And it’s why we walk. By signing up to Walk for WAGEC, you’re helping us call for an end to this violence.

Register today!
Register and walk to call for an end to violence against women and children.
The greater the effort, the sweeter the reward!
We know you’ve been working hard to raise money so we can end violence for women and children.
To celebrate your fundraising finesse, we’ve got some exciting rewards up for grabs. A little incentive never hurt anyone!

A bold $500,000 target that will help:

We provide immediate solutions to women and families in crisis, including crisis response, shelter, material aid and case management.

Our tailored programs promote recovery from trauma by breaking the cycle of violence, restoring safety, building financial independence, and fostering connection with community.

We provide specialised support to children and young people impacted by domestic violence and homelessness, to help them heal, grow and thrive.

We deliver a range of violence prevention initiatives in NSW that work to stop abuse before it starts by addressing the underlying drivers of gender-based violence.
Help us reach our target and walk to call for an end to violence against women and children.
2025 leaderboards
Talk about stepping up! A huge thank you to our incredible fundraisers below. We know how hard you're working - so don't stop now!
top 5 solo superstars
top 5 wonderful workplaces
about wagec
Every night, we support 200 women and children impacted by domestic violence, homelessness, and other disadvantage.